Monday, October 7, 2013

Rumor: #Nokia building #HTML5 platform based on “Here maps” to power smart wearbale devices.


Nokia has been planning something big in field of smart wearable devices according to some of our sources and a no. of patents for wearable smart glass provide some evidence. We have exclusively covered many such patents and images above and below come from such patents.
Now, one of our regular readers “Prasenjit” has sent us a bit encrypted tip in form of a comment. So, there are rumors which say that Nokia may be actually foraying into smart wearable devices and also may be building even a “HTML5 platform” which may power these smart wearable devices. Also, this HTML5 platform may be based on “Here data”.
Read his full comment,
We see a huge potential for wearable devices even in enterprise as we gear up for the next wave of innovation at SAP. There was a time when there were smartphones and mobile phones and the PC.
now you see smartphones getting more smarter, i don’t need my sales force in field to tap a PC or carry a laptop, I can provide SAP mobile solutions right on the smartphones also with HTML5, cloud and HANA possibilities are endless but then what about the consumer space.
again a time was there when smartphones were not enough to replace PC today a smartphone is more capable and powerful more connected than ever, millions in emerging countries experience first online experience on a mobile device and yes PCs are being replaced by smartphones that become the PC in your pocket and then there’s the opportunity for next disruption in terms of new form factor and you attack the wearable the landline went wireless and became mobile now your watch gets smarter your car gets smarter.
I have heard people saying that Nokia is building a complete HTML5 platform that runs on Here platform just like their automotive platform to power the smart wearable. I don’t know people keep saying so much.may be rumours.
But imagine sensors that can sense the environment your location your pulse rate and so much,the future is very near may be Nokia brings it on or some small players do it but the era of smart wearable has arrived.
i saw comments at places in some blogs where people mentioned about Sony and Samsung smart gears but have you folks checked out the one from Nissan, check that its the real innovation at one hand when Sony and Samsung are thinking of the wearable as an accessory and extension to smartphones the winners will be those who envision it as a complete whole with novel use cases.
i am very excited and Nokia has the assets its famed R&D and the geniuses at Nokia Research Centers but there are hundreds of other startups worth considering and the world’s greatest and the biggest Enterprise application vendor is also eyeing that sweet spot.
in conclusion as many are saying Nokia can wow us with its innovative spirit.

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