Thursday, November 7, 2013

See the world like a bird with Nokia's whimsical Copter app

Nokia Copter

Nokia Poland has released a rather special app to the Windows Phone Store, enabling you to view all the footage the company recorded with the airborne Lumia 1020. We looked at Nokia providing a unique look at the Polish ctiy of Kraków the other day and while you're able to follow the Windows Phone on its journey through YouTube videos, the Nokia Copter app takes the experience that big further.
As well as Kraków, Nokia has also taken flight above Warsaw and Wroclaw. Multiple regions within each city have flight plans and footage available and there's also HERE Maps on hand to provide the exact location where recording took place. It's a really neat idea and the end result is pretty impressive. Each video will load the recorded footage, along with the catchy, familiar Lumia tune.

For each flight there are a number of photos available, not to mention detailed information about the device used to take the Lumia 1020 into the sky. As noted previously, a hexacopter was used to provide a stable platform for the Windows Phone to capture the incredible view. The above short film shows the team attaching the Lumia 1020 to the hexacopter.

Nokia Copter

What's more is Nokia Copter is a nicely designed app. You can pin favourites to the main screen, should you wish to watch them later with friends. While this was simply marketing the Lumia 1020 in Poland to show exactly what the camera can do, it's a pretty neat guide to show off the Polish cities covered by the setup. The content is stunning and the best part is you can view the photos and footage while on the move.
You can download Nokia Copter from the Windows Phone Store (available for both Windows Phone 7 and 8). Even if you do not reside in Poland, it's well worth checking out.

QR: Nokia Copter

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