$299.95 buys you one of the loudest portable speakers you'll find anywhere
This week IK Multimedia — the folks behind the iRig range of music
accessories for mobile — launched their latest product, the iLoud. And
true to its name, it's loud. We're not short on premium Bluetooth
speakers to use with our Android devices, but if you really like to
crank it up to 11, this might be right up your street. Peter Cohen from
iMore got his hands on one, and is mightily impressed.
If you're just interested in listening to music, iLoud may not look
impressive, but it earns its stripes to that end the second you fire it
up. Bluetooth gets knocked by audiophiles for having low-quality sound
reproduction, but iLoud is easily one of the best-sounding Bluetooth
speakers I've found for this price and in this size.
It may look somewhat unassuming, but it's a 40 watt sound system that
not only plays your music, but can be part of your own portable music
performance. With the iRig input on the rear you're able to plug in your
Bass or Guitar to it as well. At moderate sound level the iLoud
promises 10 hours of use with the internal batteries, but crank it up
and it'll soon reduce.
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