Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Android is the fastest growing product in tech history

Android is the fastest growing product in tech history
We've all been watching as Android has made its meteoric rise in the mobile world, and we have watched as the platform has surpassed the competition. It turns out that we may have been watching something more than just a new dominant force, but a truly historic feat in the tech world. According to new data, Android may be the fastest growing product in tech history.

The data and chart come from Asymco and analyst Horace Dediu. The chart plots out various successful tech products and their total adoption numbers compared with how long after the initial release that the product hit that number. The mobile platforms of the past generation saw some impressive numbers with Symbian hitting 450 million users, but it took that platform 44 quarters (11 years) to reach that number. BlackBerry saw 225 million users in 43 quarters; and, Windows Mobile saw 72 million in 30 quarters. 

That's when the smartphone boom happened. Just 23 quarters after its initial release Apple's iOS has hit 700 million users, which would be incredibly impressive on its own if not for Android. Android has taken just 20 quarters (5 years) to make it to 1 billion users. That's pretty crazy. 

source: Technology Review via BGR

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